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Landing Pages

Berkshire Hathaway Automotive


Creating custom landing pages is a regular task of mine at Berkshire Hathaway Automotive. Topics vary but there are three main goals to most content landing pages: inform customers, provide the website with quality SEO content, and generate leads. In most cases our copywriting team would write about a hot model, a service offered at the dealership, or a promotional event. My job was to create the landing pages and display the content in a visually appealing way.

The dealership sites use a CMS and I was required to work within the built in CSS class system and limit the amount of custom CSS. In most cases that meant inlining CSS for extra styling. It was very important to stay within the manufacture branding style and the dealerships own branding.


Model Research Pages

Berkshire Hathaway Automotive


Model research pages provide customers with the latest news and features on a given model. Thousands of pages are written every year to cover 28 manufacture brands and 210 individual models for just over 100 dealership sites. Each page is optimized for SEO value and it has had a large impact on organic traffic.

2017 marked the year for a new moblie friendly layout that I was responsible for laying out the page, coding and keeping our custom CSS to as few lines as possible, choosing image sizes, optimizing images, and keeping track of which images were still needed. The model research project can take a few months to finish but the team I worked with were quick and efficient. Our senior developer took the time to create a templating system that took the content our copywriting team wrote and wrapped it into the markup I coded. When it came time to build the pages all we had to do was copy and past the code.